But, why are so many people deciding to eliminate gluten from their diet? What do we need to know about this mysterious ingredient?
What is gluten?
Many people presume that this is a single ingredient found in the likes of pasta and bread. In fact, gluten is a complex group of proteins called prolamins that are found in wheat, rye and barley. The main proteins in wheat are gliadin and glutenin and in barley it’s hordein. Gluten is what makes bread and pasta ‘stretchy’. The proteins are very elastic.
Unless you’re actively avoiding gluten, you’re probably consuming between five and twenty grams of gluten every day in the western world.
Why gluten can cause problems
The human body breaks down proteins with protease enzymes in the stomach and small intestines. The result of this process is amino acids. Gluten proteins are extremely resistant to protease enzymes. This means that they are often not completely broken down. If gluten isn’t properly digested, peptides (large units of amino acids) enter the body through the small intestine. For some people, this causes the immune system to respond as if it is being attacked.
Celiac Disease
About 1% of the worldwide population is diagnosed with celiac disease. It is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the small intestine. Sufferers of Celiac Disease often have a genetic predisposition to it but it is also brought on by environmental factors.
With a diagnosis of Celiac Disease, you have to choice but to eliminate gluten from your diet. The main symptoms of Celiac Disease include weight loss, diarrhea, and malnutrition. Other symptoms include skin problems, osteoporosis and anemia.
The prevalence of Celiac Disease is rising, particularly in the West. Research suggests that wheat breeding over the years might have produced a form of gluten that is more toxic to humans.
Leaky Gut
Leaky gut syndrome means that the bowel is porous. The gut is lined with a layer of cells that form a barrier between the inside of the gut and the person’s body. This mucosal barrier absorbs nutrients and prevents larger molecules and bacteria getting into the bloodstream. When this barrier doesn’t work properly, we describe it as ‘leaky’. This can be caused by food allergies including gluten. Eliminating gluten from the diet can help treat the leaky gut and stop things passing through into the bloodstream that shouldn’t be there. Leaky gut is somewhat of a medical mystery but whilst there’s a possibility of gluten causing this condition, it’s worth taking note.
Wheat Allergy
This is sometimes confused with Celiac Disease but they are different illnesses. A wheat allergy means the sufferer is only allergic to the proteins found in wheat and not other types of gluten proteins e.g. the ones found in rye. Wheat allergy presents itself differently to Celiac Disease in that symptoms are common to other types of food allergies such as swelling, itching, hives, cramps, nausea, vomiting and anaphylaxis.
Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity
Even people without a wheat allergy or without celiac disease can be sensitive to gluten. NCGS means that people have symptoms when they consume products containing gluten. These symptoms could be intestinal or things like headaches, fatigue and aches and pains.
Who else can benefit from a gluten-free diet?
It is not entirely understood but people with many autoimmune diseases find their symptoms improve with a gluten-free diet. Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Grave’s disease can be improved when gluten is eliminated. Apparently, these autoimmune diseases share some of the same genes as Celiac Disease, which is why sufferers can have similar problems.
Conditions such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease), Crohn’s Disease and UC (Ulcerative Colitis) have links with gluten and so a gluten-free diet will help people with these conditions.
Research also suggests that a diet free of gluten can help these conditions:
- Fibromyalgia (a chronic condition that causes pain all over the body)
- Endometriosis (the appearance of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus, causing pain)
- Schizophrenia (a chronic brain disorder associated with delusions and hallucinations)
What does all this information tell us?
The more we read about gluten and the effect it has on the human body, it feels the less we know about it! It really seems like there are a lot of unknowns when it comes to the understanding of the effects of gluten consumption. Gluten has been linked to so many problems. Whether its consumption causes problems all by itself or whether it worsens existing medical conditions, it is certainly an issue for a lot of the global population. If we take a step back and look at all of the conditions that are affected or caused by gluten, it’s clear to see that this is something to avoid. What’s more, the range of conditions is frightening. Schizophrenia and endometriosis are worlds apart when it comes to types of medical conditions yet they both improve with a gluten-free diet. Why would you put something into your body when its effects are so unknown?
Why you should eliminate gluten from your diet
Whether or not you have a pre-existing medical condition that requires a gluten-free diet, you will see the benefits of not consuming gluten. There are many reasons why a gluten-free diet is better for everyone. Let’s look at two of them:
- By eating gluten-free foods, you are more likely to eat fewer processed foods. This means that you’ll be healthier overall! Many foods that contain gluten are high in calories, sugar and unhealthy fats. Eliminating gluten, therefore, prevents you from eating these sorts of foods. You’ll lose weight, your joints will feel better and you’ll have more energy.
- Cutting out gluten has no negative effects on your body. Gluten is not an essential nutrient. As long as you have a balanced diet and eat foods that contain healthy grains (that don’t contain gluten), your body is not missing out on any nutrients.
The Clean Label Company
Now you know all about gluten and the problems it causes, you’ll want to eliminate it, right? Well, you can! CLEANLABELCO products contain absolutely no gluten! In fact, they have a HUGE ban list of all sorts of additives alongside gluten! With The Clean Label Company, you can be sure that you are not ingesting any potentially harmful ingredients. Whether you are gluten-free because of a medical need or through choice, it doesn’t matter. You will feel better without gluten as a part of your diet. The Clean Label Company is there for you and can support your gluten-free life! Start feeling better today!